
Na świecie brakuje wariatów

Mateusz Ciupka: Skąd wzięła się twoja fascynacja pieśnią Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen Gustava Mahlera?  Aleksandra Świgut: Jeszcze w czasach nauki… CZYTAJ DALEJ

Interview: The World Needs More Weirdos

Ruch Muzyczny, July 2021 Mateusz Ciupka: How did your interest in Ich bin der Welt abhanded gekommen by Gustav… CZYTAJ DALEJ

The land of forgetfulness

It seems that everything has already been said about the Chopin Competition. The final brilliant reviews of experts from music… CZYTAJ DALEJ

Art Is Sport – Sport Is… Art?

I had never felt any fascination with the sports-like aspect of the performing arts. I had always taken a great… CZYTAJ DALEJ

Some remarks on Pierrot Lunaire

My deep fascination with the figure of Pierrot lunaire created by Albert Giraud in his 50 poems Pierrot Lunaire: rondels… CZYTAJ DALEJ

The Pastness of the present

You’re unhappy, when you’re not writing, yet you’re writing because of unhappiness. That means when you’re happy, you don’t write… CZYTAJ DALEJ